Softomate ToolbarStudio v4.0.2.17 英文正式版(動態工具欄製作軟體)
Softomate Toolbar Studio是一款動態工具欄製作程式,可以創建針對IE和 Firefox瀏覽器的工具欄。
ToolbarStudio - Dynamic IE & Firefox Toolbar
With ToolbarStudio software you'll be able to build
your own branded toolbars in minutes.
- Drive Customers Back to your website
- Add RSS Reader, E-mail Checker, Auto-Fill,
Tell-a-Friend, Radio and other Plug-ins
- Run Javascript from the toolbar and provide
'Toolbar-Web Page' interaction
- Create dynamic content from your forums,
databases, etc.
- Post data to your server, like an HTML-form does
- Generate Options page that enables users to
customize the toolbar
- Bookmark your favorite websites
- Create Multilingual Installers and Toolbars
- Auto-Update your toolbars when you want
- Add Mini-webpages to make money from promotions
in your toolbar and much more...
Softomate ToolbarStudio v4.0.2.36 英文正式版(動態工具欄製作軟體)
Softomate ToolbarStudio v4.1.0.15 英文正式版(動態工具欄製作軟體)
Softomate ToolbarStudio v4.0.2.21 英文正式版(動態工具欄製作軟體)
Softomate ToolbarStudio v4.0.2.47 英文正式版(瀏覽器動態工具欄製作軟體)
Softomate ToolbarStudio v4.0.2.25 德文正式版(動態工具欄製作軟體)
Softomate ToolbarStudio v4.0.2.29 英文正式版(動態工具欄製作軟體)
Softomate ToolbarStudio v4.0.2.13 英文正式版(動態工具欄製作軟體)